

On our way to meet a friend this morning we took the kids on their first auto-rickshaw ride. They were excited!

Our friend found out we were in India and asked if we could see each other. This man, Gurjeet, used to work with Jeremi. We met him at the mall this morning for coffee. It was great to see him and he was so sweet to give the kids a ride on his motorcycle.

When we sat down, the conversation quickly turned religious when Ianna fussed for a moment and he said, “All children are naughty. There is nothing you can do about this. Even my son is very naughty, everyday I receive call about this. I tell his teacher if you have injection to remove naughty please give to him.” Wow, what an open door we had!

Everything he said contradicted something he said previously. For example, he said he believes there to be one god, but then he said later that there is no god. Then he said there is no sin, then he said being poor is a sin. We majored on the topic of sin most of the time for without the realization that you are sick you will never go to the doctor. We never got to Jesus because he refused to believe that anything was sin. He had his own logic for everything. Everything we said he would turn and say in Sikhism we believe… A few times we asked him questions that he could not answer for several moments, but then he would give an illogical response, talking in circles.

We are realizing that what is lacking here is any recognition of sin. In all of our conversations there has been no belief in sin, everything is just normal for humanity they say. If children do “naughty” things it is because they are small and have not been taught.

Pray earnestly with us for these people that God would grant the fear of the Lord and that the weight of their sin would be felt.

1 thought on “Gurjeet”

  1. Almost a woman at the well experience! She started to talk religion with Jesus but Jesus exposed her sin (adultery) – I think that’s a starting place with all people because “all have sinned…”. [that naughty Ianna…]

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